Resources & Forms

Commercial Lease Application Form

Residential Tenancy Application Form

Tenant Guide

Owners Portal

Moving Out Guide

Maintenance Request Form

Breaking your Lease Notice
to Vacate Form

28 Day's Notice to
Vacate Form

Smoke Alarm Maintenance And Renter Safety Activity Instructions

Renters Frequently
Asked Questionss

Pet Request Form

Breaking your Lease

If you are on a fixed term lease agreement and need to vacate the property before the expiry of the lease, you must notify your property manager, in writing, as soon as possible, advising of your intending vacating date. We will then be in contact with you to discuss the advertising and times available to show prospective new tenants through the property. As per your lease agreement you will be responsible for the following: 
To mitigate the owner for any loss of rent, arising from early contact termination. Most tenants find it easier to continue to pay rent during the vacant period rather than accrue a rent liability
Once the property is vacant, you will be responsible to pay advertising, subject to government guidelines and the Residential Tenancies Act 1997
Pay a portion of two weeks letting fee, subject to government guidelines, and the Residential Tenancies Act 1997
Ongoing maintenance of the property and gardens (if specified in your lease agreement) until the new tenant’s lease commences.

Please be assured that we will do everything we can to find a suitable tenant as quickly as possible to help minimise your cost, however, please note, we require a vacating date in order to begin the re-letting process. 

Giving notice to vacate:

If you have signed a lease, you need to remain as a tenant and pay rent until the lease expires. If you need to vacate prior to the end date, you are required to contact your Property Manager to discuss the leasebreak process. Written Notice to Vacate must be given to us with at least 28 days’ notice of the date you intend to vacate, falling on or after the lease term has expired. If you have been given a 60, or 120 days notice to vacate, by the landlord, you are only required to give 14 days’ notice to vacate. Please note, the vacate date cannot be before the end of the fixed term. 

After vacating

After vacating Reliance will inspect the property within two (2) working days and finalise the rental bond. If deductions are required a detailed breakdown will be given to you. Please note that we cannot inspect the property until you have removed all belongings and have returned all the keys.
We ask that before the final inspection you:
Ensure that our office has your new forwarding address and phone number
You pay rent until up to your vacating date and any outstanding invoices
Arrange disconnection of your telephone, electricity and gas supply as applicable and any rental payment systems that are in place
Redirect all mail to your new address